Hartzell Electric De-Ice Slip Ring P/N 4E2371 (1015-280)
Item has been in storage since overhaul/removal.
30 Day money back guarantee. It is the installer's responsibility to determine the part(s) suitability for installation and airworthiness upon inspection. Due to eBay's faulty shipping calculator, buyer pays actual shipping if it differs significantly from the automatically calculated rate.
We are a full service aircraft maintenance shop with five A&P mechanics. Parting out aircraft is something we do to supplement the business. The parts we list here are as we describe. If you have any questions regarding the suitability or condition of a part, let us know and we will have one of our mechanics check it out and give an honest answer as to it's condition. Feel free to stop by and see what we have to offer if you are in the area. Unless otherwise noted, nearly all items ship via UPS Ground and you will automatically receive an email directly from UPS with package tracking information. We send all items and emails to the addresses on file with PayPal, so make sure this information is accurate and up to date.